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Friday, April 3, 2009

Leonard Cohen "Live in London"

Mr. Leonard Cohen our favorite poet, novelist, singer song writer, Rinzai Zen Buddhist monk from the great nation of Canada will be performing at this years Coachella music fest and so I thought I would take a listen to his recently released "Live in London" album. At first listen I was immediately impressed with the quality of the recording. Live albums quality can be a little hit and miss but this is fantastic. Fans of his most famous songs "Suzanne" and "Hallelujah" will be glad to know that these songs are included and many other songs covering his long musical career. All totaled this is a 2 disk set including 16 songs so you will definitely be getting your money's worth. You will be able to enjoy his classic songs, some fun interaction with the audience, and of course his "sultry" lyrics and smooth baritone voice.
If you have a chance check him out this tour because at his rate this might be his last tour here in the U.S. His performance in N.Y. was his first performance here in 15 years so who knows when/if he will tour here again.

I would include some of the performances from the Live in London tour but unfortunately I can't find any using reliable so I will just post his couple most popular from prior albums.

Click here to listen to them: Suzanne and Halleluja(yes he wrote this song, not Jeff Buckley. :)